Walter had invited Brooke and I to go on an overnight trip to climb Mt. Williamson over the weekend. The weather forcast showed some rain/snow coming in, but it looked like it would hold off till Saturday night. Unfortunately, Sunday morning the forecast called for an 80% chance of heavy snow. So after meeting Friday morning, we decided to do a day hike up Thor instead. So the 8 of us (Walter Runkle, Curtis Davis, Mark Lambert, Mike Franklin, Dan Gorieski, Dan Dishop, Brooke, and I) headed up to Whitney Portal.

Luckily the road was plowed all the way to the Portal. The weather started out nice, but as we were sitting on the peak, the clouds moved in and it started snowing. We made our way down quickly, getting in some good glissading and self arrest practice.

Having a little fun throwing snow balls at Curtis at the Portal before starting the hike.

Thor Peak from the main Mt. Whitney Trail before we turned off on the North Fork Trail.

Walter making his way up the North Fork with Lone Pine down below in the distance.

No need to walk the ledges when you can stay on the snow and go straight up.

Lower Boy Scout Lake and Thor Peak to the left.

Heading up the North side of Thor.

Brooke on her way up.

Still climbing...

Mt. Whitney.

Brooke and Mike making their way up the chute.

The peak is in sight now.

Mark sitting just below the summit with Mt. Whitney in the background.

Mt. Whitney from the top of Thor.

The clouds rolled in and it started snowing as we were sitting on the summit, so we decided it was time to head back down.

Unfortunately for Mike, he glissaded right down into a hole and dropped out of sight. I wasn't sure where he went till I saw his head pop out the hole. Looks like Dan is laughing at Mike's misfortune.